freeth.in(the "Website") is a site operated and owned by FBC BV. Allgames offered on the website are provided and regulated by FBC BV.
Toplace bets, you must open an account with FBC BV. By using and / orvisiting any part, page or section of the Website, and / or openingan account with FBC BV, you agree to be bound by these Terms andConditions and are deemed to have accepted and understood all theTerms and Conditions.
1.1.These Terms and Conditions may be presented in multiple languagesother than English for reference only. In case of differences orconflicts between the English version of the Terms and Conditions(accessible from the Website's home page) and a version in any otherlanguage, the English version will prevail.
2.1.By using the Website and / or opening an account with FBC BV, youaccept these Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them. You arebound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy which areincorporated herein by reference in these Terms and Conditions. Ifthere is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and anydocument incorporated by reference, these Terms and Conditions willprevail.
2.2.We may make changes to these Terms and Conditions from time to time.We may take appropriate steps to bring your attention to such changes(such as posting a notice of such change prominently on the Website,along with the modified terms and conditions), but it will be yourresponsibility each time you use the Website to check for updates and/ or modifications.
3.1.The website is available free of charge.
3.2.We do not guarantee that the Website, or any content on it, willalways be available or uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw orrestrict the availability of all or part of the Website forcommercial and operational reasons. We will try to give youreasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.
3.3.You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access theWebsite through your Internet connection are aware of these terms ofuse and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they complywith them.
4.1.You are over (a) 18 or (b) any other legal age or age of majority asdetermined by applicable laws, whichever age is greater.
4.2.You have full capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement withus and are not restricted by any form of limited legal capacity.
4.3.You understand that by using our services you may lose your funds oncasino games and agree that you are fully responsible for such loss.
4.5.You are permitted in the jurisdiction in which you are located to useonline casino services.
4.6.You are not depositing cryptocurrencies that originate from criminaland / or other illegal and / or unauthorized activities, and / or youintend to use your account in connection with such activities andthat you must not use and / or allow other people to use the servicesprovided by us and your account for any criminal and / or otherwiseillegal activity, including but not limited to money laundering, inaccordance with any law applicable to you or us.
4.7.You will not use any method to interfere or attempt to interfere withthe correct normal operation of our services.
4.8.You are not an officer, director, employee, consultant, affiliate oragent of FBC BV nor do you work for any company related to FBC BV,nor a relative or spouse of any of the above.
4.9.You are not diagnosed or classified as a compulsive or problem gamer,nor are you considered one.
4.10.You will not exploit any malfunction of the system / game to defraudFBC BV.
5.1.Before you can start playing on the Website, we will ask you toregister with us first.
5.2.We do not accept registration of persons residing in jurisdictionsthat prohibit you from participating in online sports betting,gambling, games and / or skill games.
5.3.You agree that, at all times, when you use the Website, includingrequests for withdrawal or transfer of funds, you are not physicallylocated in any of the following countries:
UnitedStates of America and its territories
5.5.You agree to provide us with complete and accurate registrationinformation. You agree to inform us immediately, in writing, of anychanges to such information.
5.6.You authorize us to use any means we deem necessary to verify youridentity and solvency with any third-party information provider.
5.7.Registration will be done through secure server encryption.
5.8.You will inform us as soon as you become aware of any errorsregarding your account or any calculation regarding any bets you havemade. We reserve the right to declare void and void bets that are thesubject of such error.
5.9.We reserve the right to suspend the accounts of players who have beeninactive for more than 12 months. If your account has been suspended,please contact [email protected] for instructions on how toreactivate your account.
5.10.Only one account per customer / IP / home is allowed. If yousuccessfully try and / or open more than one account, all of youraccounts can be blocked, suspended or closed and any Cryptocurrencycredited to your frozen account.
6.1.If you register with us through the Website, at the end of theregistration, we may confirm by email to the email address that youhave provided when your account is open.
6.2.When registering through the Website, you will be asked to choose apassword to use on the Website.
6.3.You agree to maintain the confidentiality of your password and beresponsible for the misuse of your password. You should not revealyour account or password details to any third party. We will notreimburse the losses suffered due to a third party using your accountand, in addition, you will have the full responsibility of any thirdparty that uses your account data and will exempt us from any damagethat may arise.
6.4.You agree to inform us immediately by email if you know or believethat your account information is being misused by a third party sothat we can suspend your account.
6.5.We have the right to disable any user identification code orpassword, whether you have chosen or assigned it to us, at any time,if in our reasonable opinion you have not complied with any of theprovisions of these Terms and Conditions.
7.1.Currently, we only accept BTC, FUN, XFUN, and uBTC tokens.
7.2.The details you will need to make your deposits are available on theWebsite on the My Account and Deposit pages.
7.3.We reserve the right to reject any withdrawal when irregularities arefound with your account or activity on the Website.
7.4.It is possible to deposit or withdraw only Cryptocurrencies from youraccount. We do not accept any other form of consideration.
7.5.The payment of any tax, fee, charge that may be applied to yourearnings under the applicable laws will be your sole responsibility.
7.6.Deposits and withdrawals can take up to 48 hours to be processed.
8.1.FBC BV reserves the right to cancel any bonus program or bonus(including, but not limited to, deposit bonuses, reload bonuses, andloyalty program) with immediate effect if we believe the bonus hasbeen misconfigured or being abused, and if said bonus has been paid,we reserve the right to reject any withdrawal request and deduct saidamount from your account.
8.2.For any bet that includes both account balance funds and bonusbalance funds, any winnings (including the original bet) will becredited to the bonus balance account.
8.3.It is not allowed to withdraw funds while there is an active depositbonus.
8.4.If you are dissatisfied with any matter related to the outcome of abonus program with FBC BV, please notify FBC BV within 30 days of thebonus end date. Notification made after said 30-day period will notbe considered. Such notification will be made in writing. In theunlikely event of a discrepancy between the result that appears onyour device and the results in the transaction logs in our system,you agree that the results in the transaction logs of our systemcertified by a FBC BV official will be final, conclusive and binding.
Thefollowing rules (section 9) only apply to sport betting:
9.1.A bet can only be made by a registered account holder.
9.2.A bet can only be made online.
9.3.You can only place a bet if you have enough funds in your accountwith FBC BV.
9.4.FBC BV reserves the right to adjust the payment of a credited bet toa FBC BV account if FBC BV determines in its sole discretion thatsuch payment has been credited due to error.
9.5.A bet, which has been placed and accepted, cannot be modified,withdrawn or canceled by you.
9.6The list of all bets, their status and details are available on thewebsite.
9.7.When you place a bet, you acknowledge that you have read and fullyunderstand all of these Terms and Conditions and the Sports BettingRules regarding the bet as stated on the website.
9.8.FBC BV manages your account, calculates available funds, pendingfunds, betting funds, as well as the amount of winnings. Unlessproven otherwise, these amounts are considered final and areconsidered accurate.
9.9.You are fully responsible for the bets placed.
9.10.The winnings will be credited to your account after the final resultis confirmed by the official government authority of said sport orcompetition. However, FBC BV reserves the right to set aside anyprofit in the event of an investigation resulting from any suspectedcriminal activity that may have affected the outcome. If anirregularity is confirmed, FBC BV reserves the right and our solediscretion to void any related bets, even after bets have beensettled.
9.11.If FBC BV realizes that you have placed a number of bets on differentaccounts that you have opened irregularly, all bets will be void atFBC BV's unlimited discretion. FBC BV reserves the right to takeadditional steps as it deems necessary.
9.12.You hereby confirm that you are not a party to a gambling syndicatein which multiple parties participate in placing bets to evade theSportsbook or Casino Rules, these Terms and Conditions or any otherFBC BV rule. FBC BV retains the rights to void/cancel bets solelybased on suspicion of syndicate betting.
9.13.FBC BV reserves the right to declare a bet void, in whole or in part,if it is obvious that:
9.13.1.Bets have been offered, placed and / or accepted due to error;
9.13.2.Influence bets have occurred, in which you have influenced theoutcome of the match in some way;
9.13.3.The result has been directly or indirectly affected by criminalactions.
9.14.All published results will be final after 72 hours and queries willnot be answered after that time period. Within 72 hours afterpublication of the results. The company will only reset / correct theresults due to human error, system error or errors made by thereference result source.
9.15.FBC BV reserves the right to adopt special rules, applicable forparticular matches or events that may be inconsistent with theSportsbook or Casino Rules. Such special rules may be publishedtogether with published fees for particular matches and / or events.
9.16.If you are dissatisfied with any matter related to a bet with FBC BV,please notify FBC BV within 30 days of the transaction. Notificationmade after said 30-day period will not be considered. Suchnotification will be made in writing. In the unlikely event of adiscrepancy between the result that appears on your device and theresults in the transaction logs in our system, you agree that theresults in the transaction logs of our system certified by a FBC BVofficial will be final, conclusive and binding.
10.1.Without restricting our ability to rely on other remedies that may beavailable to us, we may suspend and / or cancel your account orcancel any pending bet, and freeze the content of your wallet, at ourabsolute discretion if: (i) we suspect that you are engaging inillegal or fraudulent activity while using our website; (ii) wesuspect that you are breaching any term of these Terms andConditions; or (iii) we suspect that you are acting in a way that isdetrimental to the conduct of our business.
10.2.Regardless of whether we suspend and / or cancel an account andnotwithstanding any other provision in these Terms and Conditions, wemay decide to cancel and void any pending bets at our absolutediscretion when (i) there is a technological failure, or (ii) you oranother Client you have bet with has breached any of these Terms andConditions.
10.3.FBC BV reserves the right to close your account and refund youraccount balance without further explanation. Subject to any provisionof these Terms and Conditions to the contrary, pending bets willnormally be accepted. In addition, we reserve the right to suspendall or part of the service for any reason at our sole discretion and,in such an event, we can, but are not required to notify you, howeverwe will endeavor to provide you with such service. notice as deemedpracticable.
11.1.Under no circumstances will FBC BV be liable for any damage caused byincorrect, delayed or abusive data transfer over the Internet. FBC BVis allowed to initiate any technologically reasonable action toprotect customer information but will not be responsible and will notbe held responsible if third parties gain control of any process oruser information despite such action. No damages can be claimedagainst FBC BV, in such circumstances.
11.2.Please note that we only provide the website for home and privateuse. You agree not to use the website for commercial or commercialpurposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of earnings,loss of business, interruption of business, or loss of businessopportunities.
12.1.You may not use any automated software and / or computer system indirect or indirect conjunction with the services provided by FBC BV,including performing actions such as sending information from yourcomputer to another computer with installed and active software and /or systems designed to provide you with an unfair advantage.
12.2.If you violate, or we reasonably suspect that you are violating, theprovisions of clauses 12.1, we may, in our absolute discretion, voidall your bets and permanently block your account.
13.1.Any failure or delay in the performance of FBC BV with respect to itsservice obligations will not be considered a breach of itsobligations to you as a customer if FBC BV considers that suchfailure or delay is caused by force majeure, which will include, butnot be limited to floods, fires, earthquakes or any other element ofnature, acts of war, riots or terrorist attacks, power failures ofpublic services, blockades and strikes, delays or interruptions ofInternet and telecommunications networks caused by human factors orthe nature, or any other event beyond the reasonable control of FBCBV.
13.2.FBC BV will not accept any responsibility for the consequencesderived from such force majeure events.
14.1.All content presented on the website, including but not limited totext, logos, graphics, images, button icons, and software, is ownedor licensed by FBC BV. Those works are protected by copyright lawsand treaties worldwide. All rights reserved. You may not copy, printand / or download any part of the material published on the websiteunless FBC BV expressly allows it in writing.
14.2.All trademarks filed on the FBC BV website, including but not limitedto trade names and other symbols, are protected by internationaltrademark laws. It is strictly prohibited to use them in any waywithout the prior written consent of FBC BV.
14.3.If you print, copy or download any part of the website in breach ofthese Terms and Conditions, your right to use the website will ceaseimmediately and, in our discretion, you must return or destroy anycopies of the materials you have made.
15.1.We do not guarantee that the website is secure or free from errors orviruses.
15.2.You are responsible for configuring your information technology,software and platform to access the website. You must use your ownvirus protection software.
15.3.You must not misuse the Website by knowingly introducing viruses,Trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other malicious or technologicallyharmful material. You should not attempt to gain unauthorized accessto the Website, the server on which our site is stored, or anyserver, computer, or database connected to the Website. You shouldnot attack our site through a denial of service attack or adistributed denial of service attack. By failing to comply with thisprovision, you can commit a criminal offense. We will report any suchbreach to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and willcooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity. In theevent of such breach, your right to use the Website will ceaseimmediately.
16.1.If you have a complaint about the website, you should initiallycontact Customer Services via chat or email.
16.2.An advisor will record your call / message, investigate your inquiryand respond to it. If your concern is not resolved at this stage, youcan escalate the complaint or dispute by submitting the matter inwriting to the Customer Service Manager at: [email protected].
16.3.Once escalated to the Head of Customer Service, their response anddecision will be the final stage of the internal process.
16.4.During the internal process all communications can be recorded. Ifthe content of these communications is disputed, we will consultthese records and may be key to the final decision.
16.5.Our goal is to provide you with a substantive response to yourcomplaint as soon as possible and to try to resolve your complaintwithin eight weeks from the date we receive the complaint. Dependingon the complexity of the complaint, our investigation may take morethan eight weeks to resolve. We will ensure that we write to youwithin eight weeks from the date we receive your claim or dispute,either with a final answer or a position update, explaining why weare not in a position to provide a final answer, and when we hope tobe able to do it.
16.6.The response from the Head of Customer Service represents the finalstage of the internal procedure for claims and disputes. In the eventof a dispute (but not a complaint), you will be notified that if youare still not satisfied with that decision, you have the right torefer your dispute to our Alternative Dispute Resolution.
16.7.The usage of abusive language or presence of overt aggressivenessduring the course of the inquiry can result in closure of inquiry and/ or FBC BV account.